Sing Together: Maundy Thursday and Loving One Another

Deanna was strolling down memory lane. We were headed to watch the Lady Lancers of Gilmour Academy compete in the Division II state championship basketball game. Deanna used to play, and dominate, for the Lancers. Walking into the Schottenstein Center Arena brought a flood of emotions and memories back to her. And, for her, a huge part of the joy was sharing this part of her story with her family. We were tasting her love, together.

All the pageantry of high school athletics was on full display. It was a moment that you wanted to slow down so that you could drink it deep and remember it for a lifetime: the player introductions; the video messages by key players from both teams encouraging sportsmanship, respect, and support. And, especially, the singing of the national anthem.

As you would hope, everyone stopped what they were doing and took a moment to honor our country. They introduced a student as she came to half court. I missed her name, but it was clear that she was still in grade school. She was young! But she could sing. Her voice was far bigger than her young frame. Her tones were on point. It was impressive. And then she stumbled.


How many of us have slipped up on the words? Too often I jump to the “rocket’s red glare” and forget about the “broad stripes.” Thankfully for me (and for everyone else as well) I’ve never done it with a microphone in my face. She skipped a line, knew it wasn’t right, but couldn’t recover. At her age, I would have cracked. But, this little girl was awesome. She held her composure. As she struggled to find the words and to find her place, she stood her ground. It was a full moment and everyone in the stands felt for her. And then something beautiful happened.

The crowd started to sing. The people, from the stands, were reaching out to this girl who was stranded on an island. Everyone turned up the volume on their own voice. Collectively we willed her to continue and we gave her the words. Truly, it was beautiful. She heard the people around her. She caught those elusive lyrics. And, with boldness, and the support of her new found friends, she nailed the rest of the National Anthem. Truly, I’ve never heard it sung more beautifully.

Love One Another

Today is Maundy Thursday. The strange word is derived from the Latin word for Commandment. It harkens back to the New Commandment that Jesus gives to His disciples and to us. We are called to love one another. The fullness of this new command is what draws us into the community. One another refers to the specifics of how we treat people. But it is also the boundaries that mark the Community of Faith and the Body of Christ. Loving one another is the fruit of how we are connected.

Loving one another was on display at the Schott that day. The arena of competition became a place of unity for a few minutes. In helping a girl find the words, her voice united the folks from rival schools. As we commemorate Maundy Thursday, I pray that the Word is found in you—perhaps because of the community of faith points you to Him. And I pray that you find a way to love one another as Jesus first loved you.

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