By Heart

As Water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.

Proverbs 27:19


I learned how to spell that in 2nd or 3rd grade. It was the longest word ever in my mind. I learned it by heart.

Well, really I learned it by singing a song that spelled it—one you probably sing in your head whenever you spell it. I don’t think I can spell Mississippi without singing the song in my head.

Even still, I learned it by heart.

What’s something you know by heart? Something you can do in your sleep; before your first cup of coffee; or without a heads up and no prep work?

I long for the ability to live faithfully by heart. If I’m honest, there are far too many elements of my faith that take effort, prep work, and motivation. It’s this last one that is a killer. Motivation… Sometimes I just don’t wanna. Have you been there?

“The Spiritual life is about practicing things by heart so they’ll be accessible when your heart is broken.” Brian McLaren

Doing something by heart is about accessing something within you that is a part of you.

That Mississippi song, in some strange way, is so ingrained within me that it is a part of me. It is accessible at a moments notice without forethought or effort.

This is the life of faith in Christ Jesus. That He would be so ingrained within you, that His goodness, His ways, His truth, His love is always accessible. All of Him is there at a moments notice to give you the goods.

What will you do this week to learn and live your faith by heart?

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