Lasting Impact

…For I the Lord yourGod am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Exodus 20:5-6

Nature versus nurture is the age old question regarding human development. Are you who you are because of the way you are nurtured? Or is it a result of the way that you have been wired together through God’s design of DNA?

Why are you the way you are? Why do you think the way you think? Why do you do the things you do—respond how you respond?

Is it a matter of your wiring or your rearing?

Deanna shared a podcast with me this week that I found fascinating. Dr. Galit Atlas, a psychoanalyst, is the author of Emotional Inheritance. Her research maintains that trauma has longevity that lasts through generations. DNA has a memory. Well, more particularly, the molecules and markers that surround DNA have memories. And those “memories” are passed along.

Atlas names these memories passed through the generations as your emotional inheritance. Perhaps it isn’t in the will, but these memories are bequeathed to you for better or worse.

In other words, Atlas’s theory is that a trauma that has impacted your grandma can continue to impact you.

Far fetched? Maybe not.

Atlas tells the story of her mother who lost her sister at a young age to a tragic drowning incident. That horrific trauma continues today because her mom passed along a fear of water that persists today in the latest generation.

As a therapist, Atlas maintains that she does not only sit in the room with her clients, but because of this reality, she also sits with her clients’ parents and grandparents.

I find this fascinating. For we are all the products of our families of origin. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Does this scientific insight open your eyes to deeper self reflection on your story? Your parents’ story?

As I was listening to this interview I couldn’t help be be drawn back to God’s word. Specifically, today’s portion of the Decalogue. As The 1st commandment is expanded upon, “you shall have no other God’s before me,” the LORD describes the consequence for disobedience and the blessing of adherence to this Word.

The Word is clear. The LORD is jealous. As you place other things as a higher priority and subjugate the Almighty from His rightful place—well, it doesn’t go well for you. But not just for you. The trauma of our disobedience doesn’t die with you—it is passed down from generation to generation.

Faith and faithlessness linger and leave and impact.

While many might object, saying lack of faith and following the LORD is far from trauma. However, in the eyes of the LORD and according to the first commandment, placing other things ahead of our God is the most traumatic experience you can endure.

Perpetual faithlessness curtails your life and inhibits your development as one made in the Image of God.

And it is passed on to those who come after you, according to the Word.

But here is some good news. 

The LORD doesn’t leave it at the curse and trauma. For the blessings of faithfulness are also passed along as well. But not for a measly couple of generation. The Word tells us that faithfulness and obedience are blessed by steadfast love for a thousand generations.

All this is to say, Dr. Atlas’ research confirms what the Word has been telling us for thousands of years. You are connected. You are yoked to those who have come before you. And you are responsible for those who come after you.

This echos the closing thoughts of our second reading yesterday. You are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. Hebrews 12:1

What are you passing on? How is the Lord using your words? Your actions? Your priorities?

The decisions you make today have a lasting impact.

So make the time. Invest in your faith. Restore a commitment to making the Lord number 1 in your life.

God’s grace for you is sufficient for you as you fail. You will get sidetracked. I get off of the Way every day. But, by the Holy Spirit, through the gifts of God’s Word and the presence of Jesus in the bread and wine—you are restored. You are renewed. You are recalibrated towards obedience.

And obedience is a blessing passed down through the generations.

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